From Ia
I left the seminar hopeful and inspired that in my own way I can help spread the word of these advocates to the academe where I belong. We need more people thinking that there is an abundance rather than scarcity. This country needs more people who will divert from the crab-mentality that has suppressed just too many could-have-been successes in life because we were afraid nothing will be left for us. This people gave out information some people would have charged you an amount. They give access to their materials how to apply the web safety precautions they discussed for free. They give prizes to the attendees who won in their raffle and we have an overflowing coffee and a very comfortable seminar room. All because this people believe in the notion that if you believe in something and you act on it, it will happen.
From Mica
He narrated how he gained his son’s trust and vice versa. He also emphasized on the importance of building that ‘offline’ connection with your kids. Spending time with them and being a role model to them is the most effective way of teaching a little kid. It somewhat reminded me on how I was brought up by my parents.