Update 5/5/12- Twitter Lingo for Dummies

image courtesy of NJLPandrade (www.njlplive.jex.com.br)
Every generation have their unique slang or lingo and the cyber generation is not an exception. Have you read a chat or sms message of your kids and thought it is encrypted? Ha ha
As parents, we must be “on the loop” not only to be relevant, but also to equip us in raising our kids.
Below is just some of the commonly used abbreviation, taken from http://www.sharpened.net/glossary/acronyms.php [there could be more]:
- 2 To
- 411 Information
- AFAIK As far as I know
- AFK Away from keyboard
- AIM AOL Instant Messenger
- AKA Also known as
- AOL America Online
- ASAP As soon as possible
- ASL Age, sex, location
- b/c Because
- B/W Between
- b4 Before
- BBIAB Be back in a bit
- BBL Be back later
- BCC Blind carbon copy
- bf Boyfriend
- BFF Best friends forever
- BFN Bye for now
- BOT Back on topic
- BRB Be right back
- BTW By the way
- CC Carbon copy
- CTN Can’t talk now
- cya See ya
- CYE Check your e-mail
- DIY Do it yourself
- dl Download
- ETA Estimated time of arrival
- f Female
- FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
- fb Facebook
- FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
- FWIW For what it’s worth
- FYI For your information
- gb Goodbye
- gf Girlfriend
- GG Good game
- GJ Good job
- GL Good luck
- gr8 Great
- GTG Got to go
- HOAS Hold on a second
- HTH Hope this helps
- hw Homework
- IAC In any case
- IC I see
- IDK I don’t know
- IIRC If I remember correctly
- IM Instant Message
- IMO In my opinion
- IRT In regards to
- J/K Just kidding
- K OK
- L8 Late
- L8R Later
- LMAO Laughing my a** off
- LMK Let me know
- LOL Laughing out loud
- LQTM Laughing quietly to myself
- m Male
- MMB Message me back
- MMO Masively Multiplayer Online
- msg Message
- MYOB Mind your own business
- N/A Not Available
- NC No comment
- ne1 Anyone
- NM Not much
- NP No problem
- NTN No thanks needed
- OMG Oh my gosh
- OT Off topic
- PHAT Pretty hot and tempting
- PIR People in room
- PK Player Killing
- pls Please
- POS Parent over shoulder
- ppl People
- pwn Own
- qt Cutie
- RE Regarding
- ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
- ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
- RPG Role Playing Game
- RSVP Répondez s’il vous plaît
- RTFM Read the flippin’ manual
- SOS Someone over shoulder
- sup What’s up
- TBA To be announced
- TBC To be continued
- TBD To be determined
- TC Take care
- thx Thanks
- TIA Thanks in advance
- TISNF That is so not fair
- TLC Tender love and care
- TMI Too much information
- TTFN Ta-ta for now
- TTYL Talk to you later
- txt Text
- TY Thank you
- U2 You too
- ur Your
- VM Voicemail
- W/ With
- w/e Whatever
- w/o Without
- W8 Wait
- WB Write back
- XOXO Hugs and kisses
- Y Why
- YW You’re welcome
- ZZZ Sleeping
Go to the following sites for more help:
- http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/kimkomando/2006-03-30-chat-lingo-buddy-lists_x.htm
- http://www.netlingo.com/news/Netlingo_texting_abbreviations.pdf
- http://www.jupiterparents.com/children/safety/safety12.shtml
- http://www.noslang.com/index.php
Hi, yes, there are definitely more acronyms parents need to know. NetLingo.com has the largest list of Text and Chat Acronyms here: http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php and the Top 50 Internet Acronyms Every Parent Needs to Know here: http://www.netlingo.com/top50/acronyms-for-parents.php
Check it out, there are a bunch of resources on NetLingo.com – it’s an Internet Dictionary 🙂
Thanks Erin for the info… I followed you in twitter.