According to, character is what you do when no one is watching.
This holds true to our activities, specially if we are anonymous, i.e. using pre-paid sim cards, or hiding behind pseudo names or handle when online.
Sexting, mutual wanking via video chat service, are notably increasing because hiding of true identity is encouraged. And this is the rationale why this article is being written
“Cyber ethics”, also called “cyber citizenship” or “netiquette” refers to responsible digital behavior.
In the absence of cyber crime laws in the Philippines vis-a-vis a growing online community, there is a “strong” need to educate our society of both the online threats and cyber ethics.
The following should merit our attention to seriously consider promoting cyber ethics.
- A substantial number of Filipinos have relatives living or working abroad, therefore, kids were expose to video and text chats at an early age.
- The Philippines is considered as the social networking capital of the world with the highest online penetration rate.
- PNP CIDG has reported an increase in cyber related crimes.
- The cyber harassment experienced by Christopher Lao
With this, the following general [cyber] ethical principles should be taught to kids [and online users in general]:
- Always seek to “add value” to the online community in general, and online connections in particular
- Do not pretend to be someone else
- Do not copy or use somebody else’s work and claim it as your own.
- Be respectful with the words you use, image or video you share.
- Refrain from using ALL CAPS when texting or communicating via text message, chat or email.
- When in emotional high or low, refrain or at least delay, publishing your thoughts or your photos. Review before you post
- Respect copyright.
In addition, this video produced by “word of the lourd” [TV5 AksyonTV 41] about cyber ethics is funny yet straight forward in telling us to be respectful online.
If you want to add from the ethical list above, feel free to contribute in the comments section.