In our previous post, we discussed the talking points for the parents seminar, that is FEEDS.
- Filter
- Engage
- Educate
- Discipline
- Set a good example and spiritual leadership
On this post, we will discuss the talking points for the youth edition.
In a nutshell, the youth edition is summed up with this acronym: FACEBOOK
- F-un and framework : indeed social networking sites are partly meant for fun, but the user must also define his purpose for using social web. If it is for personal and family, then connection is restricted to family circles but posting can be liberal. But if purpose is for networking, strangers can connect but postings should be conservative. One must define this at the beginning to avoid future mixed up and controversies.
- A-dhere to the terms of usage : Read the fine print before using a service
- C-hange the default settings : Set your privacy settings to the max
- E-xercise self restraint : Your real life cannot be replaced by your digital life. Make sure you set the balance and know your priority. Likewise, think twice before you share a photo/video or status update.
- B-uild others : Social web is a neutral tool, use it to add value
- O-nline safety tips : Always buckle up. Use the free online tools for additional safety
- O-pportunities tomorrow : What you post today can affect future employment or business opportunity. So think about future opportunities in your postings
- K-eep it clean : What you post is who you are in the eyes of strangers. Protect yourself too, so you will not be taken advantaged of.
Watcha Webtrap! is the signature seminar of Web Safety Philippines. There are 2 editions, (1) For The Parents and this discussion is (2) For The Youth .
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