by AskSonnie | Jan 3, 2013 | Beware, Cyber Risks, Privacy
This infographic gives a birds’ eye view on how personal information can be stolen. Though the context is from Canadian experience, the framework is applicable in Philippine settings. Besides, cyber crime knows no boundaries. It is of importance, therefore, that...
by AskSonnie | Dec 30, 2012 | Location-based Services
In case you are not aware yet, Foursquare will change it’s privacy policy effective January 28, 2013. The highlights are: Your names will be published in full, instead of the usual name and surname initial (i.e. from Sonnie S. to Sonnie Santos). Giving...
by AskSonnie | Oct 1, 2012 | Government
There is so much noise generated by Republic Act 10175 also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 because of the controversial provisions such as “online libel”, “take down clause”, “collection of personal...
by AskSonnie | Jun 7, 2012 | Beware, Linkedin, Privacy
It was earlier reported that millions of passwords has been cracked, including LinkedIn. Now that the company confirmed the breach, it’s prudent to take action now. Have you changed your password yet? If not, please go HERE to do so. Update: If...
by AskSonnie | Apr 24, 2012 | Facebook
Source: via Sonnie on Pinterest